
Why interim jobs when you can be employed? We talked to one of C2U:s interim consultants, Erik Larsson, an experienced manager who is currently running a Lerøy site in northern Norway.
Starting off as a computer technician and one of the first to code in Binary and Hexa languages, programming all street lamps in Karlstad and then get his Master in Business Administration, he could never have imagined himself as site manager for a seafood factory in Norway some years later.

Erik is today 53 years old, married with 2 children age 17 and 19 years. Besides cooking and combine with a good wine, Erik enjoys the closeness to sea where he lives in Tanum and occasionally indulges in a cultural trip somewhere in the world.

Eriks first major challenge was to own and run a hotel in Bengtsfors for a number of years. This experience gave him plenty of useful learnings for the future. While running the hotel, he also trained to become a chef which has also been handy throughout the years.

After a while, Erik felt it was time to do something else and was hired by Lear as a site manager before going to Finnveden as a production director. Erik soon found out that his strengths are his flexibility and ability to turn around organizations in difficulties. Joining Nimbus as CEO in a restructuring phase made him realize how giving it is to help out organizations. Since then, he has been at Mustad International as a restructuring consultant, Värö Sawmill: project manager, Trivselhus: CEO, Plastal: COO, Bewi: Production Director, CargoSpace: CEO and currently as site manager at Lerøy’s factories in northern Norway.

Q: Why do you think a company should hire an interim manager?

A: Taking in an interim allows you to get the drive you are looking for faster, perhaps to make a quick turnaround, support in finance, quality, in delivery ability to customer or in productivity. An interim solution also makes it easier to get through a quick change as there is a clear assignment where you do not have a history with you. Can also be a way to save what can be saved.

Q: What do you find most interesting about working as an interim?

A: The best thing about working as an interim is that you get to meet a lot of people, deal with different business cultures, but also cultures in other countries. You bring with you a lot of knowledge from different types of industries, which means that you can to a greater extent contribute to the role you have, while at the same time learning a lot of new things.

Does this sound interesting? Would you like to engage an interim consultant from C2U or are you interested in taking on an exciting challenge as interim? Contact us at